
A miracle is happening and we all are the spark.

Our world is racing towards big challenges: 
the Metacrisis and Polycrisis.

We're not yet coming together like we must to face global risks like AI, world wars, climate change, and mental health issues.

  A New World Spirit is needed. 

By learning a new universal logic 
to bring into our politics, economies, and communities, 
we can unite to address these global risks. 


There are two main problems that must be solved to change the world at a double exponential rate.
This requires nothing less than sparking a critical mass movement globally.

Absolute Idea

Develop a robust idea that can unify contradiction and generate concrete universal cooperation without destroying diversity in its essence/wisdom.

Critical Mass

Have the Aboslute Idea known and integrated into global consciousness rapidly, powerfully and peacefully once developed.

Join the Movement 

Your contributions will directly support the costs associated with pre-incorporation of New World Spirit.
Contribute through our PayPal seller account to help bring the miracle to life.

Help Create the Miracle


Begin the Spirit City Journey

Meet the others on a journey to sublation in digital Spirit City. 

Enter Spirit City

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The Nobel Surprize

Learn how New World Sprit will become accredited to prevent current hegemony from delegitimizing the power in cult or other social tactics.

Contact Info : mjm11 at

The opinions expressed on this site do not reflect the views of any individual, organization, or entity beyond the creator of the site.